Relations are really tricky, I mean very tricky to handle and sometimes, when one cannot maintain it, it can loosen-up and sometimes it could break, but on worst cases, it could sink.

I am not going to get deep into it, but there is a small insight I would love to share it with you, which would be right after the poem:


PS. Things written in Italic is said by person A and the one in Bold is person B.

It was a blur, the love we had,

Never had I seen it fade to dust,

I thought, all was based on trust.

Trust I had, so did you,

But, you thought me as a fool,

In the end all I could say,

You were so far away from the truth.

You let us die,

You let the world fill us with lies.

Urgh, stop complaining, all I can hear are your cries.

No, I never let us die.

Stop and listen for a fact that you always deny,

You say you love me, where were you when all I wanted was a ear,

You say we were made for each other, but you argue over every little thing

All you did was made me suffer.

You think, I caused the mess,

But in reality, you wouldn’t worry, for you had your pretty dress.

Yes, happiness I did find, in the smallest of things,

Late at night, when all you wanted was some fun after drinks,

Never did you care what I wanted and what I need,

All you wanted me to do was to make you something for your mouth to feed.

Oh, I didn’t think we had such a deed,

When you came in with all your greed.

I thought you loved me for who I am,

Not for my net worth,

I needed you the most when I lost my career,

But all you did was make me fear.

Fear that you’d leave me alone for me to suffer the pain.

But I acted like that, so you could get back up,

And fight your way to the top,

So, you’d realize things are not given but gained.

And I did that, thinking I didn’t provide you more,

I forgot what emotion was,

And that’s what brought me, such a huge loss.

This may be a short poem, but it recognizes the need to talk among ourselves. We have become so much needy that we end up misinterpreting what other person is trying to convey.

It’s about time we mature up and forget things like, “Hey, you know what, that person hasn’t wished on my birthday, so I won’t wish them.”  Who doesn’t like to be wished on their birthdays! But, that doesn’t mean, we have to be mad at them for forgetting it.

There are reasons why people fail to maintain relationships and number one being CAREER. It’s tough to actually maintain relations, when you have to build up on your dream.

Second, PRIORITIES. Yes, everyone has a priority. I may be a priority to someone, but they may not be on my priority list, but that doesn’t mean that I hate them or I don’t talk with them, I can say that I will be there for them, when they need me.

Third, being the attitude, behaviour and culture. People have different attitudes. Some people love having a dozens of people hanging around with them, while some may prefer being just by them-self or may only want to hang out with a couple. It becomes, difficult to maintain relations with both. Since you may never know, who the former person is close to, or you may never end up knowing their true self. While for the latter, it’s really difficult to get into their zone and making sure they let you stay.

“If you want to maintain a relationship, you have to work hard to maintain it.”

Some may have grown up with the culture that suits them, they might hate a change in their lifestyle, that’s why they choose to be among similar groups.

If you find anything wrong, first talk with them.

Ask them what it is. If the mistake is on you, don’t give excuses and be mature, accept it. If it is not your fault, make them realize their worth.

Make sure, you are there for them, listen to what they have to say, don’t give solutions, you are listening. If they don’t respond, let them be. Give them space and time to heal. If you feel, you cannot wait a long time, that person is not the right person for you. But if you can wait, then you’ll realize how important that person is in your life, make sure you are there when they are ready to heal.

Similarly, if a person doesn’t listen to you, they may be busy with their life, so don’t hate on them. Let them live and find a new ear to rant to, but don’t you let your heart die of hope. If no one is listening, what you feel, let it flow in various other forms. (Not violently though)

I’d love to close off with this statement, “Don’t have any attachments, if you hate being broken.”

Hope you enjoyed this one, will be back with another post, until then, #LIVEyOURLIFE and #BeLive in yourself.

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