Being an artist is such a bore, people say. But is it?


No, not at all. We artists have our own world and there is a reason for it and it is simple. It’s the people around us. Today there are many artists struggling to make a name out there.
Why are they struggling?
There are tons of new pieces of art that is created everyday. Among them, few are famous. The rest, their art just fades away in no time.
Why does that happen?
As I said, it’s the company they keep.
To all those artists,
You are amazing. Yes, you are no matter what others tell you so. You are a messenger from the universe. You carry a message and that message comes from your soul to your masterpiece.
You can’t give up just because your friends, family, relatives or even a neighbour tells it is a waste of time.
Being an introvert myself, I’ve faced a lot. There are only a handful of friends who want to see my writing. The rest, they don’t bother with what I do. They have their own world.
I don’t have the rights to judge their lives, but reality, it’s just an illusion. So, why go after something that isn’t even real. Find your true friends and well, make sure you abandon the rest. We introverts are a paradox. We may love your company but we wouldn’t want to be with you for a longer period of time. Although we remain aloof, we can be the best friend to a person who really connects with us, but why? Because, we have no one except ourselves. So, a piece of advice to the friends of such introverts. Please, encourage their art, spread it. Get them in your group but make sure there isn’t much crowd because they get bored easily there. Help them feel what it means to be alive. But, make sure you have them some space, they’d appreciate it.
Being an extrovert is just as tough. An extrovert can’t stay at the same place for a longer period of time. Their adventure is the key to their art. They want to explore, discover places which are beautiful not only to look at but also to feel. They portray the best piece from the soul that was there, not the eyes that saw it.
It’s really difficult in this age to just go on an adventure. We have commitments. We have responsibilities. We have duties. I really don’t know what to say but the best thing would be do what is right. Previously, I mentioned, reality is an illusion, if you really don’t bother about it and just want to explore then, go ahead, only your soul has the right to stop you. But let me get this straight, don’t lose your respect and character during this.
People who are friends with such people, please find joy in what they do, they’ll love it. Adventure is an amazing sport for them, so, head out with them for a journey for a day or two. You’ll learn a lot since life is all about the journey. But, trust them. Trust their instincts if they are confident about it.

I really don’t know, how I covered psychology in this, but being an artist is really tough. But that’s the key. If art were easy, it would not be art. On the contrary, art is easy if you trust your soul. Let it flow. Journey is going to be tough, don’t give up. Start it and everything will fall into place.


If you want to be loved, then do what sells. If you want to be a legend, do what your soul tells.

I hope you learned something from this. Do let me know what your views are on this in the comment section below. I’ll be back with another inspiring post, until then LIVE yOUR LIFE.

P.S.: You can also read one of my previous post where I conducted a survey what would happen if there wasn’t art and why it is necessary from the link below:
Life without Art!

6 thoughts on “Being an Artist

  1. Your posts always give me satisfaction.i would love to read your posts in future.keep writing brother. You’ll reach great heights in few years.

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